A Conversation With Mark Speck, World Football League Historian

From the 55 Yard Line is part of the Sports History Network – The Headquarters For Sports Yesteryear.


Greg and Dave spend a morning (Japan)/evening (America) with Pro Football Researchers Association member and World Football League historian Mark Speck. Mark is the foremost expert on the defunct league and has written four books and counting on the league and two of the league’s more unique franchises, the Detroit Wheels and Florida Blazers. The conversation runs the gambit from a story of stolen player identity, the legend of King Corcoran, the fabled Hawaiians, and much more! You can find all of Mark’s books for purchase on Amazon, and also connect with he and other WFL experts over at the WFL Project on Facebook, and the Florida Blazers page, also on Facebook.

Mark also previously appeared on the sports history podcast “Good Seats Still Available,” with friend of the show Tim Hanlon, at Good Seats Still Available, the episode of which is a must listen!


From the 55 Yardline is anchored by former rugby player and sports executive David Cieslinski, who resides near the Canadian border, and retired naval intelligence and information warfare officer Greg St. James, who resides in Japan (he is also the co-host of the Gridiron Japan podcast). Both are avid armchair sports historians and sports simulation enthusiasts, who, despite the vastness of geography, have found a way to leverage technology to help keep the games they love truly alive, both on the screen and on the internet airwaves.

In addition to Dave and Greg, From the 55 Yardline also features veteran journalist and contributor Fran Stuchbury, of https://OurSportsCentral.com, where he writes extensively on the happenings in minor league sports.

The show was previously co-hosted by retired sports journalist Scott Adamson, whose continued writings. sports coverage and articles can be found at https://www.Adamsonmedia.com

David, Greg, and Fran can be contacted directly via the podcast’s Twitter account at https://www.twitter.com/Fromthe55.

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