Earnie Shavers: Boxing’s Heavy Hitter

Muhammad Ali and Larry Holmes called him the hardest puncher they ever faced, harder than Joe Frazier, George Foreman, and Mike Tyson. Randall Tex Cobb said: “He hit so hard you felt it in your ankles.” The man they were talking about was Earnie Shavers. Once when George Foreman was asked who the hardest punchers … Read more

3 Famous Boxing Matches Believed to Have Been Rigged

Boxing has seen its fair share of controversy over the years. Among the most controversial issues are the allegations of rigged matches, where the outcomes are believed to have been manipulated for various reasons. A huge financial gain is always a key motivation for these allegations, but while these suspicions cast a shadow over the … Read more

Boxing Throughout the Years: Fights that Left a Mark in the World

Boxing has been providing fantastic entertainment for fans throughout the years. Sometimes, a bout becomes a total slugfest where pure will and toughness determine a winner. Other bouts showcase the technical strategy that’s possible in this sweet science. Any selective list of fights is going to be subject to debate. What this list of fights attempts … Read more