Wrestling History: Through The Eyes of a Boomer

This article is an excerpt from SPORTS & BOOMERS: The History of Sports Through a Boomer’s Eyes by Lawrence Richards.  That’s an Amazon affiliate link, so feel free to grab a copy for yourself if you enjoy this article.  I struggled with whether I should write on this sport. I really don’t follow professional wrestling … Read more

(Jesse) Ventura Highway: How “The Body” Changed My Mind

One of my favorite audiobooks of 2023 was Matt Singer’s Opposable Thumbs: How Siskel & Ebert Changed Movies Forever. As a lifelong fan of the two film critics, I geeked out on learning about the humble and somewhat shaky origins of their groundbreaking film review show Sneak Previews.  It was also fascinating to learn how much the show’s … Read more

Unveiling the Real Lives of Wrestling Superstars in “350 Days” Documentary

The most common regret expressed by people before they die is: “ I wish I had spent more time with the people I love.” That’s a sentiment echoed throughout 350 DAYS, a film by Fulvio Cecere and Darren Antola, focusing on the toll pro wrestlers endure on their bodies, families, and psyches working all year round on the road. For … Read more