Mark Morthier’s All-Time NFL List

As part of the NFL’s 100th anniversary, a team of 26 committee members selected the NFL All-Time team. I think the committee did an admirable job overall, and I agreed with roughly 80% of the selections. For the sake of debate, here are my picks. Defensive Ends I agree with six of the seven chosen … Read more

New York Mets: World Series Appearances

It goes without saying that the New York Mets have not had anywhere near the success achieved by their cross-town rival, the New York Yankees. Since their first year in the league (1962), the Mets have had only 26 winning seasons and 33 losing seasons. And they’ve reached the post-season in only nine of their … Read more

Paul Zimmerman’s All-Time NFL List

Paul Zimmerman was a renaissance man of sports, so to speak–eloquent, prolific, and with a range of interests. He’s probably best known for his writing in Sports Illustrated.  No longer with us, Zimmerman passed away two years ago. He began working on a book in 2006, but a series of strokes in 2008 left him unable … Read more